Moxi Fundae Wheels, 4 Pack

By Moxi


These wheels are sold in packs of 4 wheels, enough for one skate. If you need a full set of 8 wheels, please add TWO packs to your cart!

• Size: 57mm x 34mm
• Colors: Lavender, Bubble Gum, Creme de Menthe, Birthday Cake
• Surfaces: Slick parks, ramps, streets

"I never conceived of myself power sliding on pavement and swinging by a local skate park after work with the same wheels I would use to commute to and from, but I gotta say that these wheels are darn well rounded (*bu dum chhhhh*). They aren't the hardest or fastest wheels at the skate park, and they sure aren't the fastest for a trail skate, but I consider them basically perfect in every way as someone who wanted one pair of wheels to commute through Brooklyn, street skate, AND park skate (which is a tall order!). I recommend these for folks who want them for lots of different terrains (like me!) or folks who are taking their first foray into the world of smaller or harder wheels. These are also really excellent for outdoor jam, dance, and rhythm skating." - Mack

"Okay so I was really surprised by how much I actually do love the Fundae wheels! I've been using them for casual skating outdoors on well paved paths and parks and boy oh boy, I think they're great. I've never been able to plow or hockey stop outdoors before these wheels. I recently started park skating and since I'm a total beginner at it, I'm really enjoying the way these wheels feel on ramps with that little bit of extra grip." -Bella